Any one sick of winter yet?

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I concur ! I'm certainly no fan of pandemonium. Or any other word with that many vowels in it for that matter :)
Wow - that word actually has ALL of the vowels... unless you actually believe that, "and sometimes 'y'," nonsense. rofl
We have more than enough Cold Weather, so far -26 this winter and December had 27 of 31days with 1 form or another of snow/sleet. yea!We had 38 last week next day to single digits above zero. Last night was -20 and a heat wave today of -5f and already -9.5f so far and tomorrow maybe high 20's above and back to the deep freeze for another week...It's been a cruel joke of a winter. ;)

Well, it is 72 here down to a chilling 42 at night.

No rain for months. I grew up in northern Ohio and

do not miss the weather. If I want snow I can drive

to it four hours up the street. Although this year when

you go skiing, watch out for the rocks. Fifty+ years ago

I remember it raining the day before Christmas which I

thought was odd. This was northern Ohio near Lake Erie.

One thing for sure, people are making money off this global

warming business. We are too insignificant in the whole

design to have much of an effect on Earth's climate.


Why yes, I am sick of winter.

I'm sick of this...

...I'm sick of this...

...and I'm sick of this.

Why the hell is 0 the high next Tuesday, not even taking windchill into consideration?

I'm sick and tired of having to drive with all the stupid, non-driving ass clowns that just have to drive side by side at 20 mph so my commute takes 3 times as long. There's snow and ice, I get it. If you or your car can't handle the weather, stay home until you can. Or just get the hell out of my way. It just makes a big fluster cuck with no hope of arriving anywhere on time, no matter how early I leave. Why can't we just have a special lane for people with 4WDs or at least enough driving ability to not dump it in the ditch. We live in a northern state that gets "lake effect" snow every year, there's simply no excuse to not know how to drive.

Alright, rant over.

I hate the up and down temps here...2 above right now, warming to 58 by sunday, and back to single digits monday.
I've always contended that Mother Nature enjoys "effing" with we silly humans. This is just more proof positive.
Yeah it makes my 100 foot walk to work a real bitch :p

I hate the up and down temps here...2 above right now, warming to 58 by sunday, and back to single digits monday.
That's pretty extreme. I hate it when the weather does that cause you never know how to dress on those big transition days. Either you freeze your ass off when as it gets colder or you sweat it off as it gets warmer.

The weather in this area of the country is about as Bi-POLAR (see what I did there) as it gets. I swear there can't be very many places on the planet that can be -15 on the winter and 105 in the summer. Not to mention the tornado risk and occasional hail. Being near Lake Michigan does crazy things with precipitation too.

I hate the up and down temps here...2 above right now, warming to 58 by sunday, and back to single digits monday.
That's pretty extreme. I hate it when the weather does that cause you never know how to dress on those big transition days. Either you freeze your ass off when as it gets colder or you sweat it off as it gets warmer.

The weather in this area of the country is about as Bi-POLAR (see what I did there) as it gets. I swear there can't be very many places on the planet that can be -15 on the winter and 105 in the summer. Not to mention the tornado risk and occasional hail. Being near Lake Michigan does crazy things with precipitation too.
And the older I get, the more cold weather hurts my old bones

There's nothing I can think of right now that I hate more than winter!!!!

I wish I was a bear so I could say "screw this" and hibernate till spring.
Especially when winter pushes your mechanic buddy south, leaving your car hostage in his garage! :dodgy:

The Prius drivers like to blame us for global warming.

Inversely, can we now blame them for the very cold weather?

They can't have it both ways, can they? ( am I'm not talking about their sexual preferences)
The Prius drivers are forgetting that a new car costs about 32,600 BTU/lb to build (from ores and such to finished product). By still driving your classic Mustang instead of buying a new car, you're saving more energy than an average person expends driving an average commute for a year.

The Prius drivers are forgetting that a new car costs about 32,600 BTU/lb to build (from ores and such to finished product). By still driving your classic Mustang instead of buying a new car, you're saving more energy than an average person expends driving an average commute for a year.
Absolutely correct. Not to mention how much energy it takes to generate the electricity to 'top off' the batteries as well. It's that kind of short-sightedness that I have issues with - people tend to only pick and choose the things they can use to justify their reasons, and overlook the rest of the 'big picture.' But since 'they' didn't actually make the car, it's not their fault, and therefore their direct impact is limited by default - it only begins when they purchase the Prius and start driving it, after all.

Using your logic, however, we're also 'more green' by preventing our cars from being crushed (that takes energy and creates pollution, after all). As well as maintaining our gas-guzzlers alongside our modern fuel-efficient daily drivers, we're effectively limiting the impact, per unit, since we can only drive one car at a time. That means I'm 150% more efficient than the average Prius owner because 3 of my cars are tucked in safe and sound at home at any given time (and not polluting), using the 'pick and choose' logic from a different perspective. ;) :D

I'm actually half tempted to put a 'Hybrid' emblem on my Mach 1 - but only because I have pieces and parts from so many different years & models. That should drive the Prius driver absolutely insane. rofl

The Prius drivers are forgetting that a new car costs about 32,600 BTU/lb to build (from ores and such to finished product). By still driving your classic Mustang instead of buying a new car, you're saving more energy than an average person expends driving an average commute for a year.
Absolutely correct. Not to mention how much energy it takes to generate the electricity to 'top off' the batteries as well. It's that kind of short-sightedness that I have issues with - people tend to only pick and choose the things they can use to justify their reasons, and overlook the rest of the 'big picture.' But since 'they' didn't actually make the car, it's not their fault, and therefore their direct impact is limited by default - it only begins when they purchase the Prius and start driving it, after all.
You have to remember that you're dealing with energy delivery in very different forms with very different entropy balance involved in the changes. Topping up a battery or draining it involves a very small change in entropies and, as a result, is inherently enormously more efficient than burning fossil fuels. Since burning fossil fuels becomes more efficient at scale, the energy costs of operating electric drive are much better than that of an internal combustion engine, even if fossil fuels are burned to produce the electricity in question. That's not opinion, that's thermodynamics. Feel free to look it up.

Using your logic, however, we're also 'more green' by preventing our cars from being crushed (that takes energy and creates pollution, after all). As well as maintaining our gas-guzzlers alongside our modern fuel-efficient daily drivers, we're effectively limiting the impact, per unit, since we can only drive one car at a time. That means I'm 150% more efficient than the average Prius owner because 3 of my cars are tucked in safe and sound at home at any given time (and not polluting), using the 'pick and choose' logic from a different perspective. ;) :D
You're being snarky, but I agree, actually. My 71 is my daily driver and, since I have a short commute (about 3 mi. each way), that bothers me not at all. I would have to drive the car a long, long time to offset the effects of not paying for the production of a new car. And even then, the car has artistic, sentimental, and elegance of engineering value that, IMO, more than offsets its carbon footprint.

I think the most disappointing thing about the questions of climate change, energy sustainability, etc. is that it has become politicized. If you're interested in the raw science of sustainable energy, I recommend David MacKay's "Sustainable Energy Without the Hot Air".

or you can read it for free at his website,

He approaches the questions from an engineering and physics standpoint and without political bias or alarmist nonsense. The issues are real and the science is quite clear. It's interesting to see how greatly the policy decisions of politicians of either camp diverge from what is actually indicated by the data.

Of coruse I'm being snarky - that's what I do. ;) :D

My point about the Prius owners is that they're pious about how much more energy-efficient they are because their cars use more electricity than gas - and only count the gas consumption as their energy-use footprint (conveniently 'forgetting' the energy it takes to make the car - as you pointed out - and generate the electricity to charge the batteries). I understand that generating electricity for use in a battery-powered car is WAY more efficient (overall) than burning fossil fuel to power the car - but it still does take energy to make energy (in this case), and the greenies tend to ignore that part.

I honestly think that we agree more on this than not. The idea of conserving energy and limiting our (mankind's) impact on the planet is something that needs more [better] attention. The over-sensationalism and politicized nature of addressing the issues, have actually done more harm IMHO, in the way of polarizing the masses and bolstering class warfare. It truly is more expensive to "go green," and as a result it's been sliding to the point that the "haves" and "have-nots" will soon no longer simply be 'green vs. un-green.' It'll be more like 'have vs. have-not' in the truest sense of the term - someday, owning personal transportation may once again become a 'rich man's folly,' the way things are going.

My point about the Prius owners is that they're pious about how much more energy-efficient they are because their cars use more electricity than gas - and only count the gas consumption as their energy-use footprint (conveniently 'forgetting' the energy it takes to make the car - as you pointed out - and generate the electricity to charge the batteries). I understand that generating electricity for use in a battery-powered car is WAY more efficient (overall) than burning fossil fuel to power the car - but it still does take energy to make energy (in this case), and the greenies tend to ignore that part.
Of course they do. My point was more that they are, essentially, correct in a comparison with a new hybrid (and seriously, if you want a hybrid, get a Ford C-Max--way more fun than a Prius, cheaper, better visibility, and it'll dust a '79 Corvette in the 1/4 mile and 0-60) vs a new non-hybrid version of two comparable cars. Hybrid drive is, overall, a good thing. It's efficient.

I honestly think that we agree more on this than not. The idea of conserving energy and limiting our (mankind's) impact on the planet is something that needs more [better] attention. The over-sensationalism and politicized nature of addressing the issues, have actually done more harm IMHO, in the way of polarizing the masses and bolstering class warfare. It truly is more expensive to "go green," and as a result it's been sliding to the point that the "haves" and "have-nots" will soon no longer simply be 'green vs. un-green.' It'll be more like 'have vs. have-not' in the truest sense of the term - someday, owning personal transportation may once again become a 'rich man's folly,' the way things are going.
You're undoubtedly correct in that we agree more than we disagree.

And for the record, yes, I am sick of winter.

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Guys, not all Prius owners care much about green house gasses.

My wife and I have a 10' Prius, and its because she does 480+ miles a week, and its nice to do it on only 9 gallons of gas vs. the 12 MPG's my Expedition gets.

I make up for it with the Mustang, Expedition and Boat, all V8's :D

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Guys, not all Prius owners care much about green house gasses.

My wife and I have a 10' Prius, and its because she does 480+ miles a week, and its nice to do it on only 9 gallons of gas vs. the 12 MPG's my Expedition gets.

I make up for it with the Mustang, Expedition and Boat, all V8's :D
I similarly dislike the Us vs Them aspects of that. My wife's C-Max is actually a great car and I like driving it. For that matter there's nothing at all wrong with the 2001 Taurus that I hardly ever drive (although it's not that much better on gas than the 71).

Not to gloat but I'm in the California Bay Area. Sunnyvale all the way to Santa Cruz are still about 72' during the day. The low is in the 40's. You guys should fly west for the winter..

We only get a couple of dustings of snow each year in this part of Texas and even then it is mostly ice. Last night we got 2 inches of snow so like any good boss I let some of my staff build a snowman.

photo 1 (3).JPG

I am the one on the far left in the back.

AC Snowman 2.jpgAngelina College Sign Snow 5.jpg

We only get a couple of dustings of snow each year in this part of Texas and even then it is mostly ice. Last night we got 2 inches of snow so like any good boss I let some of my staff build a snowman.

I am the one on the far left in the back.
I want to work for you :)

any time it snows we are asked where are you, "when are you coming in its only 12" of snow!!"

Wow Jeremy. You're roughly 375 miles due East of me, and we got squat. Actually, the storm dry-rolled over us, sucked the water out of our lakes, froze it, and dumped it on you. That's my snow, Mister!! rofl

Nice pics - looks like you were able to have some fun with it. Good for you! ::thumb::
