C6 Transmission questions


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Aug 21, 2015
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My Car
1973 Mustang Sportsroof. Currently a work in progress!!!
Hey folks,

I've got my C6 back under the 73 SportsRoof and I need to attached it to the shift selector.  How do I know what gear the transmission is in?  Currently it is all the way forward.

Does the speedometer cable run outside the cross member or between the body and the cross member?

all the way forward would be in 1st. you can install the driveshaft yoke and turn the transmission over by hand. push it all the forward and it should be in park you will hear the parking paw engage and if you try and turn the yoke it will lock up and you won't be able to turn it. when you hook up the shift linkage it will make sense, you can then test it and watch it lock into the different gear selects.

it runs down the firewall around the bottom of the cross member is a little clip that the speedocable gets hooked on then into the rear housing of the trans.

all the way forward would be in 1st. you can install the driveshaft yoke and turn the transmission over by hand. push it all the forward and it should be in park you will hear the parking paw engage and if you try and turn the yoke it will lock up and you won't be able to turn it. when you hook up the shift linkage it will make sense, you can then test it and watch it lock into the different gear selects.

it runs down the firewall around the bottom of the cross member is a little clip that the speedocable gets hooked on then into the rear housing of the trans.

all the way forward would be in 1st. you can install the driveshaft yoke and turn the transmission over by hand. push it all the forward and it should be in park
I think you made a typo?  Did you mean to type 'push it all the way back and it should be in park'.
