Cranking PSI 72 351C 2 bbl

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Johnny57 if you have an air compressor, consider buying/ renting a cylinder leakdown tester. it will tell you the percent of leakage of each cylinder and you can also listen/feel where the air is escaping to determine if or where you may have an issue.
Like a compression test the results can be somewhat subjective.
Usually 8-12 % is considered good 15 -20% is considered ok for a production engine, thing is 10 different people are likely to interoperate in 10 different ways.
I was just looking for the factory "base" PSI. I built performance 2 stroke motorcycle engines as a profession for the last 22 years, so I know the parameters. But it seems some guys don't realize the base psi is very important. As many post "as long as they are with in 10% differential" or what ever you are good. That's not really valid as a single statement, as you have to know the base psi also. You may be within the 10% difference, but if you are down 40 psi from your base psi, your motor is sick. Which actually negates the 10% differential saying you are in a acceptable range.
The Ford manuals don't list factory baseline. I'm sure that is to eliminate future customer concerns.
The Ford manuals don't list factory baseline. I'm sure that is to eliminate future customer concerns.
Funny, That though popped into my head when I saw the acceptable range of compression psi.

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