Shocking the crap people will pull...I do keep a good eye on my car during shows...Specialy with idiots who keep there keys on belt clips...Rawr!!
No kidding. Last year I went to a local car show and left my car unattended for about 20 minutes while I checked out the other cars and got something to eat for lunch. When I came back there was a family gathering of at least 12 people (adults and children) who were using the top of my car as a picnic table for their food and drinks. First I was confused (was that my car?) then there was anger when I realized it was my car. They took their stuff of my car when I told them to but there were snide remarks about "me" being an ass as they walked away. They had been drinking and I figured it wasn't worth going to jail for so I let it go. Other than than some bread crumbs no damage done.
The guy who's car was parked next to mine said he figured they were friends or family of mine because they acted like they owned the car so he didn't say anything, when I told him I didn't know them he was more angry than I was that would do such a thing. Since then I watch the car, there are some real idiots out there that care less about other people's property.