Custom Tail Lights

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So I did some math and it's going to cost me about $500 to get started on these...

What I'm going to do is refund back the donations to those buying a set once I get moving. The pair is going to be around $250-$300/pair depending on what the LED boards cost which I won't know for sure until I get a full prototype made and get it to TheJ for final measurements.

So what that means is simply that your donation will be a deposit on a set, and you'll pay the difference when I ship them to you.

This is the fairest way I can think of to get going on this. I'm not looking to profit on the start-up really, just trying to make this happen.

Thanks again for your support!

I was actually going to ask that question and suggest it, you read my mind!

Like I said before, I'll see what I can do. I thought you were just making the lenses that we could use to replace the stock lens.
They will replace the stock lenses, but they'll have self contained LED lights in them. TheJ is working on sequential circuits for them as well. They'll probably be offered with or without the sequential circuit at 2 prices, but either way they'll be LED.

I will definitely want mine sequential! As the end of the month gets closer I will be able to see what my budget looks like for the month and be able to send you some. Hopefully I can send a little every month until I have a set paid off!


Ok, here's the deal...

I simply cannot afford some of the final stages of this on my own, I need to get some materials, TheJ is working on LED boards to make these function just like the 2013's, and I'm very much considering outsourcing as mentioned previously because I want these to be perfect and I'm only about 85% happy with what I've got so far. I thought long and hard and hate to ask, but I've placed a PayPal donations link on my website. I know there are at least a few of you out there who would like to see these become reality, so if you would consider throwing a few bucks at this, I'm confident we can make it happen. Also understand that by doing this I'll be able to keep the cost of these down up front as well. My goal is to make them equal to, or at least only minimally more than the current price of stock reproduction lenses.

Feel free to PM me with any questions.

Here is a link to the page on my site if you want to contribute:

Thanks for your support!
Hi Obsidian71,

How far is the project already?

I look forward, if the purchase goes well I'm also interested ...

Greetings from Belgium,



Ok, I made a contribution. Let's get that thing started! :)
Me too. Sorry it took so long (I was on vacation and lost track of this). :cool:

Those last 2 contributions made a big dent in what's needed! Thanks again guys! The next few weeks are a little crazy for me with the holidays, but right after I'll definitely be getting hot on this again :) I recently got another new job too so things have been nuts. I'm really looking forward to making these a reality!!! I'd love to have them ready for your magazine shoot lux!!! We'll see what we can do :)

Thanks Pegasus! Things are rolling now, I ordered some materials over the weekend so right after the holidays I can get moving again! Still need a few more things, but we're off to a good start!

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