Emergency Gallbladder surgery


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7173 Mustang Supporter Member
Sep 13, 2010
Reaction score
Starting to get back on my feet literally. Sunday night around 10 started to happen after a night in the ER the did a emergency surgery on Monday. So needless to say down and out but will be back soon.

Get better soon! That Mustang ain't gonna drive it's self! :D

Sorry to read of your latest medical issue Roy but am glad to hear that you appear to have "weathered the storm."

Who is taking care of you while you recuperate?

You are in my thoughts, Buddy!


You'll probably be needing someone to keep the oil circulating properly in the Mach while you heal. Be glad to help out a freind who's down. Just send the extra keys and relax. :p

Glad that You are recovering. Hopefully by the Rod Run You will be back to normal.

Hope your recovery is quick. I had to beef up on fiber after my gall bladder surgery, so better pick up some Metamucil!

I had gall bladder surgery in October 2010, initially the emergency room doctors misdiagnosed my ailment and sent me home; four days later I had major chills and a fever of 105 degrees. They said mine turned gangrenous and it was touch and go with my survival at first. They also clipped my liver during the surgery so I ended up staying the hospital for 7 days.
