Looking for my original '73 Mach 1


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Aug 27, 2023
Reaction score
Nashville, TN
My Car
1973 Mach 1
#'s matching
Medium Yellow
351 Cleveland
Just taking a blind stab here, but I recently found the information of the person who purchased my 1973 Mach 1 back in 1999. I have their full address from when the car was titled, but I am not posting publicly.

Looking for a Sandy Sanders Thomas from the South Bend, IN area who purchased a bright yellow '73 Mach 1, with a damaged front fender in 1999.

Not trying to stalk anyone, more just curious if they still have the car or know where it is, and if they would be interested in selling it back to me.

Thank you for any help any of you can provide.
I found this info from an older thread by someone else who was looking for their "lost" car.

Wes Eisenschenk "Lost Muscle Cars"

Podcast: @weseisenschenkslostmusclec9123‧942

And he wrote a book: https://www.amazon.com/Lost-Muscle-Cars-Wes-Eisenschenk/dp/1613255233

About the author​

Wes Eisenschenk has successfully reunited hundreds of enthusiasts with their lost cars through dedicated research and an unwavering attitude to never give up. In 2010, he located the original owner of his father’s 1969 Impala SS 427 convertible, which was his catalyst for entering the world of automotive archeology. Wes continues to connect former owners with current owners through his Facebook page, Lost Muscle Cars.
I found this info from an older thread by someone else who was looking for their "lost" car.

Wes Eisenschenk "Lost Muscle Cars"

Podcast: @weseisenschenkslostmusclec9123‧942

And he wrote a book: https://www.amazon.com/Lost-Muscle-Cars-Wes-Eisenschenk/dp/1613255233

About the author​

Wes Eisenschenk has successfully reunited hundreds of enthusiasts with their lost cars through dedicated research and an unwavering attitude to never give up. In 2010, he located the original owner of his father’s 1969 Impala SS 427 convertible, which was his catalyst for entering the world of automotive archeology. Wes continues to connect former owners with current owners through his Facebook page, Lost Muscle Cars.
I used Wes to locate my old 69 Mach 1 and my first car, a 1973 Mach 1. The guy I sold the 69 to back in 1996 still has it and I made a trip down to see him and the car last year. My 73 got shipped to New Zealand back in 1994 from Southern California where I had sold it 10 years earlier. Wes is a good guy and if you have a VIN he may be able to help.

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