A lot of confusion over the proper antenna stems from the fact that no radio was standard in our Mustangs. Even when a radio was ordered from Ford, the radio and the antenna was not installed at the Assembly plant. A radio kit was placed in the trunk along with wheel covers, floor mats, and other loose items to be installed at the dealer when the vehicle was PDI'd. (Pre Delivery Inspection)
Many dealers ordered cars without radios so more profit-producing aftermarket units could be installed. Dealers would then pull an in-stock antenna off the parts shelf (Usually an LTD unit since they were considered a one size fits all) and hopefully drilled the antenna hole in the correct location. Unless the dealer had saved the template from the factory radio kit that didn't always happen.
MCA rules allow for the telescoping antenna for 71's, telescoping AND fixed mast for the 72's, and fixed for the 73's.
During 1972 production, the '73 style fixed mast antenna was phased into production. With no practical way of telling exactly when this change took place during 1972, MCA wisely chooses to allow both versions for 72. I'm sure the assembly plant was receiving and installing both versions with no thought of the confusion we would be trying to sort out nearly 50 years later.
I hated the telescoping version on my 71's. Over time water would work its way into the mast and cause poor reception. Some stations I couldn't pick up even if I was in their parking lot! They also seemed to be a favorite target of parking lot vandals.
If not concerned about concourse correct there is a detachable mast antenna (Like on the Fox Mustangs) that Don @ Ohio Mustang sells. Perfect for those who cover their cars and don't want to cut an antenna hole or don't want one with the antenna pocket. :classic_smile: