Okay guys I am just posting this so I can get it off my chest, no need to reply to this one. I took my 11 year old daughter to the doctor yesterday because she has started to have seizures, and the doc ran a EEG on her to look at the function of her waves. Well the front tempol lobe cam back not good. He did not say it was epilepsy, but my family has a real bad problem when it comes to tumors. I have lost one brother, cousin (age 8), 2 Aunts and a grandmother to tumors and to be honest I dont know what to do.
It has been getting worse for about 6 months and we took her to KC to the children mercy hospital there and the doctor was in the room a total of 5 minutes and 42 seconds, look at her eyes and said nothing was wrong. My wife and I thought it was trash and he failed to do the eeg like he was suppose to. So we asked for another doctor to check it out and he found it. Wht bothers me is that the time between the last doctor and this one was 2 months. I know that does not sound like a lot of time but I know the earlier you find something the better chances you have to fight it off or kill it before it comes worse.
I am trying to get her back in ASAP for the MRI that the new doctor wants to look at now. He is trying to see if there is anything inside that is causing it. At this point it is a double edge sword; if there isnt anything in there then she might take the chance of having epilepsy for the rest of her life. But then again if there is something can they remove it safely? The part that is effected is the Mass memory cell, and any damage to that will cause a lost of both long and short term memory.
I am not sure what is to come of it, but I will continue to use this thread to keep the updates and my ability to vent under control. I know everything happens for a reason, or atleast in my eyes it does so I cannot do anything simply sitting here and worring. Lets go fishing.......