Pray for my City

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The problem is that civil, rational people are trying to defend the public from irrational, animalistic vandals. These scumbags are not "protesters", they are domestic terrorists, plain and simple.

They should all be dealt with swiftly and harshly. Some stupid, easily-led "riot-mentality seduced" idiots who have no real concept of the real harm they are causing would probably add up to a lot of "collateral damage" fatalities, but maybe it would cause others to think before attempting incite civil unrest by Americans IN THIER OWN COUNTRY.

I have zero sympathy for any of those "protesting" ********.

I still remember Reginald Denny, the unlucky truck-driver who had his skull smashed and suffered permanent brain damage all for his "crime" of doing his job and trying to drive his truck while the Rodney King "protesters" were destrkying everything in sight.

I have been praying for the rational folks there to take charge and discredit those that were waiting for an excuse to commit more crimes. I've seen this stuff before, Google the riots that happened in Miami FL back in the summer of 1980... crazy stuff. Those riots along with the Cuban Mariel Boatlift... my parents picked a great time to move us from NJ to Miami!! Lets all hope that the people that are stoking the flames stop and go back to DC...

Actually, I don't like the fact that I have this attitude. Our society has degraded so much in the last 50 years or so, it just disgusts me and breaks my heart. In a general sense, I feel like citizens like myself...working 70+ hours a week to support my family and to try and provide them and myself with a few well-earned rewards in life, trying to be a good neighbour by keeping my house in good repair and clean, trying to be a decent citizen by abiding by laws and paying taxes...all the back-breaking ******** that each person must fairly endure to fuel the needs of a modern society.

To then have to just accept that those "protestors" who would rather steal, vandalize and kill so they can just take what they want is only going to encourage those types to increase thier immoral behaviour.

These situations demand a quick, decisive and complete action.

It is terrible for our country that our leadership is either too weak, disorganized or duplicitous ( probably a combo of all three) to mount the needed defense against such an infectious degrading of our civil society.

It disgusts me.

This is the thing. I went to my parents house this morning and they live 6 blocks from canfield green apts. My family lives in Jennings one of 92 municipalities in the area. We lived on the same street since 1971 a year before I was born. The area looks like a damn war zone. My folks are both retired and tired. Cops everywhere thugs everywhere. But rest assured we are well prepared and maintain vilagence against any threat.

I live less than 4 miles from Ferguson

We are hardworking taxpaying God fearing Christians and I be damn if any thug shakes me off my ground.

So while all this is going on, in other parts of the city you can't find a cop. So what as citizens are we supposed to do. I tell you what everybody on my street is armed and ready. Guy across the street has a 71 Mach one and the guy down the street has an68 camaro ss. I live in a mixed neighborhood but most of us are longtime neighbors and we look out for each other.

Where I'm from cars ain't the only hobbies for us. Just like quality cars we make other quality purchases. No damn keltecs for us.......

If something went down the cops ain't coming to help. They are busy. Thugs prey on the weak and those with their eyes closed.

I've been awake for about 24 hrs and have to be at work at 6am. It is what it is

I ain't askin for a fight but I be damn if I run from one

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I truly hope that all our forum friends stay safe and keep out of harms way during these challenging days.

Lets also keep this topic from venturing into the politics of the current events. There are bound to be Mustang fans on both sides of the debate and this just isn't the place for it. Wish and pray for safety but please don't take up side on the forum.

Thanks for understanding! :cool:

Barry is right, I think we can all agree that no matter what side you take in this situation, the bottom line is hundreds of lives have been disrupted over a damn box of cigars...hell I would have paid for them myself to avoid this. I will never understand what goes on in the minds of some people.

I blame it all on the press. Rather than report facts, they tend to sensationalize one side of a story in order to attract viewers to the drama.
I do like Don's recommendation of the non violent way of sending rioters home, spraying them with water which would send them home on such a cold night. If the media got wet and had to leave, there would be no need for the wet agitators to hang around, it would clear out real fast.

For those of you in the areas of unrest, stay safe and avoid the conflict, it'll blow over.


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