When I bought my '73 vert over a year ago the air conditioning had been removed (to save weight, presumably, and also because, well, it's a convertible). The seller, however, gave me all the parts in a box. I now realize that as the days get hotter it may be impractical for me to drive it when it gets into the 80's and higher so I'm giving some thought to reinstalling the AC. I have a few questions:
- Did the AC in these cars ever work well enough to really cool things off? I'm trying to determine if the benefit is worth the investment of reinstallation.
- Assuming I've got all the parts I need, I still don't know jack squat about how to install it. I've looked around online and so far I haven't been able to find detailed, specific instructions (video or otherwise) on how to do this. As a layperson (albeit with some decent mechanical skills), is it reasonable to presume that I could do it myself?
- If I shouldn't (or couldn't) do it myself, any idea what a mechanic would charge to do the reinstallation (as well as the recharge/conversion to the last refrigerant)?
- And finally (thanks for reading through all this, BTW), the heater in the car doesn't work; nothing happens when I flick the switches and move the sliders. Is this because the AC components were removed? Or did I forget to reconnect something when I worked on the console?