OK - I think I've kept "quiet" about this long enough - the original post kind of irritated me a bit for some reason, but I wanted to see where things went and not come off as a jerk. So, without trying to sound rude or condescending, but from the other side of the coin: I've noticed that people who are overly-sensitive about things they can't control (i.e., other peoples' methods of self-expression) can get to be just as annoying as the other people that annoy them.
Moderation in any circumstance is they key, and the current trend is the most people don't seem to 'get it.' That's a given. I think we can also agree that instances of people who ignore common courtesy have also been on the uprise - I would say more so since the advent of the cell phone, and that's disappointing as well. We've fallen a little further into the "me first" abyss as a result.
But unless you're someone's boss, parent, guardian, or otherwise in a position of authority, there's really not a whole lot to be done... and letting it get under your skin only makes things worse for you, depending on how you choose to express yourself on the matter.
There are plenty of things about other people that really bug the crap out of me... annoying and ridiculous ring tones are subjective, based on just how annoying and ridiculous they are. Usually just shaking my head is about all I can afford, because it's just not that important to me. I guess I'm just more tolerant of others because it's just easier to let go the things that really have no bearing on my life (outside of the few seconds, minutes, or little bit of time I'm exposed to them).
I can understand the perspective of 'not taking someone seriously' based on their ringtone - first impressions being what they are... and that's an interesting facet to the topic. I suppose the 'right' thing to do would be to have your goofy ringtone for "off-duty" time if you really need it, and either put it on vibrate/silent mode or have a more 'professional' ringtone as the situation warrants. This makes sense to me because having been affiliated with the military my entire adult life, there's a natural separation involved between on- and off-duty time.
As well, I'm not trying to minimize anybody's thoughts, opinions, or feelings about this particular topic (or any other, for that matter) - we all have different levels of what gets under our skin... that's part of what makes us who we are, and your thoughts, feelings, and opinions are just as important as mine are to me. I just figured a little bit of explanation would be better than, "your being annoyed about others being annoying is SO annoying... get over it."