That sucked!...Movin' on!

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Feb 13, 2015
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Suburban Philadelphia
Just got done reading the 47 page thread on Obsidians rear tail lights, only to find (spoiler alert) they don't exist!!!!

Why isn't there an alert to prevent a member from reading this whole "closed thread" ???

Maybe a"product was never developed"..."don't waste your time reading this whole thread"...something...jeez.

I didn't get screwed out of my money (like many members apparently did) but I feel like I just got screwed out of an hour or two...this story is like a "gift" that keeps on giving.

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..this story is like a "gift" that keeps on giving......... but has a lousy ending.:-/

Hi Eric,

Your mind works in an interesting way there. Gee, i never stopped to think about what you've put forward about the whole thread thing here, but you do have a valid point i guess.:chin:

Maybe this post will attract the attention of the other staff or Barry and some sort of message or warning can be inserted to bring future readers up to speed before they wander all through the pages. PM the staff too if you want to make mention of this situation as well.

But yeah, it kinda keeps you hanging in there doesn't it.:p

Sadly though, a poor outcome for many.:-/


Although I kinda see your point, I think it should be left there as the idea as such was good and although the taillight never came true the thought processes and the history of their design is an interesting read and might trigger someone else's skills.

It also stands as a reminder for the rotten way some people that you consider your peers can screw you.

In a different age and time you'd have used some tar and feathers. :(

Guys, I wouldn't be in favor of eliminating the thread, as it is a topic which is intriguing on quite a few fronts.

Just spare the reader the drama of sitting on the edge of his seat with a credit card # ready to place an order. I couldn't believe, as I was reading, that I had missed this product and that there was going to be a readily available solution to the zit on the back of my mustang. I pressed on reading till the wee hours of the morning, in excitement and anticipation of the final product. I watched many of you doing the same as the dates of the posts started in 2012's and dragged through the 13's....then the 14's...Mister4x4 patiently remaining positive and reassuring obscenedian that "he could do it,"...then came 2014 and it too, was gone, into thin air, just like any hope of ever perfecting the one blemish on an otherwise perfect rear end.

Life is not perfect and for now, neither is my Mustang. We will carry on...although I do feel abused this morning.

We're together in this...and hopefully... someone will rise up and continue to carry this you feeeeel the drama? I do. I just wish I had jumped to page 47, after about 20 minutes in, and I could have gotten another hours worth of sleep.

Well honestly, you're like the third or fourth person who's come across the thread and commented since it's been locked down (last year-ish?). The rationale for not simply deleting it is because there was some good information in the thread and it might inspire someone to take up the cause and maybe produce a similar item.

Honestly, if we were to place something in the title or subject line... or even a disclaimer of a sort at the top of the thread, it could potentially suck even more people in out of simple curiosity.

As someone who invested and lost what would've been the asking price for a set of lenses, I'd rather just let it die on the vine and eventually be forgotten. One of those "chalk it up to 'experience,'" kind of things.

You bring up a good point, though. I'll revisit the thread and see if I can't come up with some kind of warning or indicator to at least alert the potential readers they might be wasting their time if they're hoping to score a set of taillight lenses.

Well honestly, you're like the third or fourth person who's come across the thread and commented since it's been locked down (last year-ish?). The rationale for not simply deleting it is because there was some good information in the thread and it might inspire someone to take up the cause and maybe produce a similar item.

Honestly, if we were to place something in the title or subject line... or even a disclaimer of a sort at the top of the thread, it could potentially suck even more people in out of simple curiosity.

As someone who invested and lost what would've been the asking price for a set of lenses, I'd rather just let it die on the vine and eventually be forgotten. One of those "chalk it up to 'experience,'" kind of things.

You bring up a good point, though. I'll revisit the thread and see if I can't come up with some kind of warning or indicator to at least alert the potential readers they might be wasting their time if they're hoping to score a set of taillight lenses.
I get your point and I feel your pain! ::thumb::

i do not think that thread should be deleted. it is possible to edit the first post and put in BIG letters what happened but really for the amount of hits it gets, enjoy the ride :D

It reminds me of the 'kickstarter' type of mass funding sites. Many of those never happen. Some are indeed out-and-out scams.

I hated to see this happen HERE but it did. I would hope another could use their skills to learn and proceed on with the project. You all know I am more the original/purist but still thought these lights were cool.


It reminds me of the 'kickstarter' type of mass funding sites. Many of those never happen. Some are indeed out-and-out scams.

I hated to see this happen HERE but it did. I would hope another could use their skills to learn and proceed on with the project. You all know I am more the original/purist but still thought these lights were cool.

I learned you are a purist in the 47 page thread... ;)

i do not think that thread should be deleted. it is possible to edit the first post and put in BIG letters what happened but really for the amount of hits it gets, enjoy the ride :D one suggested eliminating the thread...I too, hope someone will pick up the torch and run with it. ::thumb:: It just wasn't a good ending to an otherwise good thread.

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Link to the thread?
Oh no ya don't - you'll need to go find it yourself. rofl

Seriously though... not gonna post a 'lifeline' link for the brutally assaulted dead horse thread to be dug up and brutalized some more. :chin:

And I already did that, Dan. ::thumb::

I felt like jumping in again here and adding a few personal comments if i may.

I'm not trying promote myself here as a - "hey, hey everyone, aren't i a clever, clever guy", but when i look back on that story, i remember following the thread with strong interest, and was really looking forward to some solid, great outcomes with the developing project. I couldn't make up my mind personally whether i wanted to end up buying a set of lights when they were to eventually become available to purchase. But i did like them very much.

However, i've never shared my personal thoughts and feelings with the Forum on this, but as the whole story slowly was unfolding over time, two things stood out to me that didn't sit well with me. Firstly, the inventor kept on claiming he didn't have enough money and time to invent and perfect his product properly, and therefore donations of help would keep the project afloat, and secondly, the time of ongoing development of the product was taking way too long and was too drawn out. Apologies and excuses kept on flowing like honey, and kept us all caught up in the dance. So with these two things, i didn't feel comfortable at all.

I was on the verge myself of jumping in and making a decent donation to the project myself, but ended up stopping myself from doing that, because of what i said above.You see, i had learnt some hard lessons back around 1977, when i got involved with some confidence tricksters. I was in my mid twenties, and got friendly with a couple of people who were renovating their house. Long story short, i ended up doing a lot of renovation work for them for free, and spent my own hard earned money buying certain items for them for their house. It was all done in the name of brotherly love and friendship.

Sadly, matters went sour, and i tried to get my monies back from them, but got nowhere at all. I took the whole matter to the local fraud squad, but charges could not be laid against the couple, because everything i did for them was never put down in writing, were considered as gifts to them, and therefore could not be dealt with in a court of law. I was stuffed so to speak, and ended up loosing around $6,000.00 of my own hard earned money with them. That was a lot of money back in those days. I was conned and i couldn't do anything about it. All my hard work and money was gone and lost.

So i came away from that experience, learning some very hard lessons. That has served me well over the years, and was probably why i chose not to jump into this deal as well. My instincts told me to back off, although, i was always hoping for a good outcome with the project for all the Forum folk. Because of these warning bells going on in my head, i decided to leave well alone. Anyway, the rest is history, but i really feel sorry for the folks who lost their money. I've been there, believe me, and i know how it feels.

I'm sad to say, that we really need to be guarded with ourselves as we go through life, because there is always someone out there who would do us wrong and harm us. The trick is to stay out of their way. That's just the way life and people are i guess. We learn and move on.


I felt like jumping in again here and adding a few personal comments if i may.

I'm not trying promote myself as a - "hey, hey everyone, aren't i a clever, clever guy", but when i look back on that story, i remember following the thread with strong interest, and was really looking forward to some solid outcomes with the developing project. I couldn't make up my mind personally whether i wanted to end up buying a set when they were to eventually become available to purchase. But i did like them very much.

However, i've never shared my personal thoughts and feelings with the Forum, but as the whole story slowly was unfolding over time, two things stood out to me that didn't sit well with me. Firstly, the inventor kept on claiming he didn't have enough money and time to invent and perfect his product properly, and therefore donations of help would keep the project afloat, and secondly, the time of ongoing development of the product was taking way too long and was too drawn out. With these two things, i didn't feel comfortable at all.

I was on the verge myself of jumping in and making a decent donation to the project myself, but ended up stopping myself from doing that, because of what i said above.You see, i had learnt some hard lessons back around 1977, when i got involved with some confidence tricksters. I was in my mid twenties, and got friendly with a couple of people who were renovating their house. Long story short, i ended up doing a lot of renovation work for them for free, and spent my own hard earned money buying certain items for them for their house. It was all done in the name of brotherly love and friendship.

Sadly, matters went sour, and i tried to get my monies back from them, but got nowhere at all. I took the whole matter to the local fraud squad, but charges could not be laid against the couple, because everything i did for them was never put down in writing,were considered as gifts to them, and therefore could not be dealt with in a court of law. I was stuffed so to speak, and ended up loosing around $6,000.00 of my own hard earned money with them. That was a lot of money back in those days. I was conned and i couldn't do anything about it.

So i came away from that experience, learning some very hard lessons. That has served me well over the years, and was probably why i chose not to jump into this deal as well. My instincts told me to back off, although, i was always hoping for a good outcome with the project for all the Forum folk. Because of these warning bells going on in my head, i decided to leave well alone. Anyway, the rest is history, but i really feel sorry for the folks who lost their money. I've been there, believe me, and i know how it feels.

I'm sad to say, that we really need to be guarded with ourselves as we go through life, because there is always someone out there who would do us wrong and harm us. The trick is to stay out of their way. That's just the way life and people are i guess. We learn and move on.

Very true Greg. If you read all the way through, in one sitting, as an outsider the enthusiasm was very contagious. With the false security of the group, and all the positive comments, it was that much easier to catch the fever, so to speak. They both had sooooo many excuses and when the money starts rolling in as the product reached the home stretch and the dreaming of finishing his car with the profits...temptation can make even a good man fall.

Deposits should always be kept to a minimum. People were paying in full, to make sure they would get one of the first sets to be completed. I would guess he probably started buying some of his car parts or paying some personal bills when materials should have been purchased. Not a good scenario. No accountability. He lost his motivation to finish. Deposits should have been held (in escrow) by a third party who replenished material purchases. One thing is for sure, you never see it coming and hindsight is always 20/20.

So where can we get some molds made and do it right?

Thanks for the link.

I think he had good intentions but bad follow through.

A long time ago I sent a guy a decent sum of money, like $1300 or so. He was going to recast Cleveland Engines. Both Aluminum and iron. He had a prototype and made slow slow progress. The money I sent was a leap of faith to help him get the project off the ground. After about 4 years he was still not there and I was low on funds. But I am happy to report that I asked for my money back and I had it about a week later. I told him if he ever really got the block going I would pay the 'non discounted early bird price' but he said he would still honor the 'early bird' price.

So sometimes it works out.

Hey everyone, just want to make this long story not so long, so here goes. I have a tail light that Mike made. I spoke with him last summer about taking over the project and asked him to send me all of the components he had to make them (which I helped design through email). He never sent me anything, no surprise there, but I did reach out to The J and asked to get the prototype that was sent to him to build the led boards for. I have not had any time to start casting any lenses yet, but I do have a finished lens that Mike made and have some liquid molding to make them. I really am not sure if I plan to produce them for other people as I am active duty and that takes a lot of my time outside of my family. However I had planned on reaching out to the guys that actually paid Mike and seeing if they still wanted a set for the cost of material and shipping. Thats what I got, what do you guys think?

Hi Nik,

Sounds interesting. The concept of somebody or someone resurrecting or trying to resurrect the project carries weight so to speak. Realistically though,the whole thing would have to be approached in a much more professional way in my opinion to make it all fly. People these day's want to play it tight. They look at a finished product, like it or hate it, and if they like it and want one, it's where or who do i it buy it from. No mucking around. R&D is always an expensive business, then manufacturing and distribution. Overall, you wouldn't be looking at a big demand for the product worldwide i wouldn't think.(correct me if you think i'm wrong there).

The final asking price is important too of course. Too exy, and people turn away. But hey, you never know. Just my personal thoughts there. Has anyone ever thought about approaching Scott Drake for feedback? With Asian manufacture and cheap labor costs, you never know.

BTW Eric - Alert done.::thumb::

