I don't know of any written procedure. You do not disconnect the torsion bar. The lid will torque some when closed from tension from the bar. You want to make your adjustments with the tension. I found it helps to have another person help hold things in place.
The torsion bar is usually best in the middle notch to start with. Too much and the lid flies open and twists too much closed.
Make sure you have a fresh/good rubber weather seal around the trunk opening.
Remove the lock or the striker for now. So the lid does not latch.
I would place a rag or something across the back deck to protect it from the lid accidentally sliding down when fully open and hitting the deck area between the trunk opening and the roof well molding.
Always keep the bolts snug to the swing arms, only loose enough to make some small adjustment. You don't want the lid to freely side on its own. The lid should only move when you adjust it. This way you can carefully open it and tighten the bolt without it losing the adjustment you made.
First I would get the proper gaps in the back and sides. Carefully closing it to make sure there is no rubbing or binding anywhere. Stop and adjust again if you see it's going the touch the rest of the body. You don't need to open to lid all the way, just reach in and tighten the bolt(s) with it open half way. Watch the back edge of the lid as it is the first to touch when closing and fully opening. Make sure the lid is even with the quarter panel end caps. If the lid is very close to where it needs to be front to back, then only loosen a single bolt at a time and even then only enough to allow the lid to be adjusted up or down. You want the bolt to be snug enough to hold your adjustments in place when you open the lid and tighten the bolt. It does not take much to throw it out of alignment. It's really a matter of repeatedly making small adjustments and readjusting until it sits right. DO NOT close the lid without slowly checking it for clearance each time!
I will mark the lid around the washer to create a point of reference as I make adjustments.
It's a tedious thing, maybe someone else has found a better method.