OK - back at it hard this weekend. By that, I mean hanging quarter panels is hard!
Yep those partial replacement panels take a ton of work to install nicely:dodgy:
Looks good E
I suspected when I was fitting it, that the tail-side of the panel might be about 1/4" too low (as the bumper dimple didn't quite match up with the quarter panel extension), which could possibly fix the taper toward the bottom of the door opening as well. So with about two hours to go toward the end of the day, I cleaned up the stall, walked away, and helped my pal Jim get a '68 Camaro running... I wanted to check some reference pictures before I went any further. I can always reposition the panel, clamps, and magnets after all...
It's your fault, ya know. If you hadn't been so generous with the advice and sharing the videos & pics of how to do this all the 'right' way, I might've already gotten myself into trouble with this. :udaman:
Good progress Eric. Any word on the body shop closing?
Thanks! Still nothing solid, but it seems like every time I go there during the week (just a friendly check-in with the new manager - Tony - he's a good kid and one of my friends) something new always seems to have developed. Last week, he stood his ground with the Flight Chief and even defended me and my project when the 'interrogation' got out of hand. I was actually proud of him - he normally just says, "Whatever," and walks away.
They keep saying they're not going to close it, but the latest is that the facility manager wants to move Outdoor Recreation Equipment Rental to the building... which means vacating their already-existing warehouse and gutting the shop to accomodate everything. That seems an awful lot like 'closing it someday' to me. I've also heard September-ish on that, but I should be long gone by then.
Tony's applied for the SAPD, and is still waiting for a date to start the Academy... so that part's up in the air... although, they might have someone lined up to take over day-to-day management. Which means it could all change when Tony leaves... maybe... IF they decide to keep it open, or maybe not... IF he doesn't leave. It's maddening.
The higher-management also complains about Jim and I having our projects there (even though we're paying customers), yet when they come up short on help (like when Tony needs a day off), they have no problem tossing out, "Oh, Jim and Eric will be there to help."
I couldn't make this stuff up if I tried.