351 4v ( 408 and TKX )


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Well back to fix my screw up of my passenger fender. I tried to weld up the antenna hole that was brazed and bondoed over by the P/O of my 72 Mach 1 parts car. Now for the confession. I just made a mess of it trying to weld it up. I kept blowing holes threw it, welding it back up,blowing holes threw it,grinding it to thin, blowing more holes threw it and then warping the crap out of it.:mad:

Ok time to find another fender. That evening Msmach71351 did a search and found one. [ Gotta love my wife ] So we picked up the fender and a nice console for a 140 bucks. I seen that the fender had some bondo in it but didn't think it was all that bad.Well once I stripped it I found it to be not as good as I thought. So here I am with 2 crappy fenders. While setting here looking at the fenders it dawned on me to cut out the antenna hole out of 2nd fender and weld it into the 72 fender.:cool: After all the 72 fender is in nice shape except for the antenna hole.

Ok this time I called in the pro. I had my brother stop by and weld the patch in.:D I took him all of an hour and it was done.

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right fender 007.jpg

Gotta love those guys with skills...looks great Mike. Going to be one nice car.
Thanks Jeff.The funny thing was my brother didn't like how it came out.:dodgy:
That's the professional attitude - with that you will never be satisfied - never!

But thats nice work, congratulations. A little bit filling and smoothening and it will be perfect!


Nobody is an expert the first time out. It takes practice. But it is also wise to admit that something is beyond your abilities and call in a the pros.

Looking forward to the progress reports. I like that 351 giveaway story.

About 13 years ago when I was packing to move across country a friend called me and said he had a going away gift for me, but I had to bring my van to get it. He owned a 1972 Mach I when he was younger. He had bought a factory reman 351 several years prior and wanted me to have it, so I too have a spare in my shed. I have thought about building it up with a 671 blower one day for old time sake.

Good looking body work too. I am always impressed with the welding skills of others since I wish I had them myself.

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Looking forward to the progress reports. I like that 351 giveaway story.

About 13 years ago when I was packing to move across country a friend called me and said he had a going away gift for me, but I had to bring my van to get it. He owned a 1972 Mach I when he was younger. He had bought a factory reman 351 several years prior and wanted me to have it, so I too have a spare in my shed. I have thought about building it up with a 671 blower one day for old time sake.

Good looking body work too. I am always impressed with the welding skills of others since I wish I had them myself.
Thanks, The funny thing I did not want to go to the Christmas party. To the point that I was being a jerk to my wife. So needles to say I had a good time with my new friend Mike.
Up next the fender extinctions front valance and bumper. Started of by pressure washing the parts on hand. I try to use as many of the original parts I can. But with giving the parts a closer look I found that the bumper and right fender extinction from my 72 Mach 1 parts car fit the best. { Gotta love a good parts car } I had to take the bumper back off so can work with the Phillips head bolts that hold the urethane bumper to the bracket assembly. They are not coming loose without a fight and I was not about to do it on my back.:D Once I get the bolts free I will be able to move the bumper to the left to get a better fender to bumper alignment. At some point the hood will joining in on the fun.:cool:

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Hey Mike, I love how your car is coming along. Only yesterday I looked at the pics of when we were visiting and the car was still parked in your trailer.

Good job.

Your brother has awesome skills.
Thanks Mike.
It's getting closer. Ounce I finish getting the sheet metal sorted out it will be heading to his house to get the real body work done.

Well regretfully I took a break from the Mach 1 to do some house projects. You know the deal "happy wife happy life". :cool: If you back up a page you will see the patch that I welded in around the antenna. I was just not happy with it. I don't think the body filler would hold up with the vibration of the antenna. So I picked up another passenger fender. This fender is very clean but does need the holes welded up from the body side moldings and mustang emblem. I got all the holes closed up and fender on it was time to get back to the front bumper. In my previous post you will see that the bumper was to far to the right and I could not get the screws loose. So I pulled the bumper back off and tried remove them on the bench. Well after several attempts I welded some bolts to the screws and got them out. Next sand and prim the brackets and reinstall bumper. After 2 hrs messing with the alignment I got the bumper to fit pretty well.













Looks good. Looks like your moving right along.

Well regretfully I took a break from the Mach 1 to do some house projects. You know the deal "happy wife happy life". :cool: If you back up a page you will see the patch that I welded in around the antenna. I was just not happy with it. I don't think the body filler would hold up with the vibration of the antenna. So I picked up another passenger fender. This fender is very clean but does need the holes welded up from the body side moldings and mustang emblem. I got all the holes closed up and fender on it was time to get back to the front bumper. In my previous post you will see that the bumper was to far to the right and I could not get the screws loose. So I pulled the bumper back off and tried remove them on the bench. Well after several attempts I welded some bolts to the screws and got them out. Next sand and prim the brackets and reinstall bumper. After 2 hrs messing with the alignment I got the bumper to fit pretty well.
You rock Mike! Keep it going bro. It's a good thing it's football season. The will keep down the honey do list.


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