351 4v ( 408 and TKX )


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I have been guilty of sitting on some up dates. After getting the front bumper and end caps on I moved on to the hood. I had 4 sets of hood hinges to sort threw to find a tight set. Then installed the hood and over all the hood fits well. Thanks Jim ( SD stang ) for your help with the hood install.

I picked up a set of Ranger wheels and tires of Craig list for rollers so my magnums won't get crappy during the body work.

Next up was to install the rear spoiler and honeycomb panel. I want to have all the holes drilled in the car now not after paint. With the in stall of the honeycomb panel I found that 3 of the gas filler cap hole where off. So they need to be re drilled so the gas cap would line up strait. I also removed the Mach 1 stripe/decal from the rear and drivers fender. Kinda felt the car dropped in value after this.:-/





Up next is to remove the led in the roof seems. Scott ( Qcode ) touched on this and got me thinking I need to address this. My car had small cracks behind the drip rails. After removing the led on the Quarters I found that the factory wields are marginal at best. There are a lot of gaps. I wielded up the seems and I feel this a must do if you plan running any kinda horsepower. The left A pillar led was cracked and lifting. After led removal of the left pillar there was rust. Moving on to the right A pillar which looked fine but after led removal I found more rust. I'm glad I took this step.

Well that sums up getting the Mach 1 ready for the real body work to began. So stay tuned boys and girls the real bodywork will be starting in about a week. And with any luck it will ready for paint by the end of February.












Wow that is so awesome work 😎[THUMBS UP SIGN] Well I love the way to do thise Roof connection Right [THUMBS UP SIGN]😀 But I did see one Newer Cars they are full welding them? What is best way to go? When I look at My own Mustang there is no cracking eny where. However is it possible that warmer climate can force it to create thise cracking? Regards Lars

So I'm a proud owner of one Mach 1 73! Regards Lars DK73 😎

Wow Mike its looking real nice

I haven't seen the progress for a while so its nice to see things coming together

One thing i suggest for your door hinges is welding a pipe sleeve in between the center section

then bore the two end so that the long bushing is supported over the full lenght of the bushing in stead of just 3/16 thickness of the hinge, easy job to make sure your doors never drop

Keep up the nice work

Thanks for the inspiration

Glad to see the updates also. If your like me, when it gets to this stage its usually easier to get motivated to work on it. Great work! Ryan.

Happy new year everyone!

This weeks project was lizard skin sound control and ceramic coating. Let me say that I'm really happy with this product. It was very easy to spray and covered well. Cleans up with soap and water. For me hands down this was the best choice in sound deadening. With the big cavity's in the rear quarters that you can't get stick on into this you can spray rite in. The lizard skin maid a huge difference in sound when you close the doors.



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That looks really good, nice job. Are you going to do the doors? I did those too when I did my car and really like the way those came out. The roof should sound pretty solid too now. Your car is looking really good.


That looks really good, nice job. Are you going to do the doors? I did those too when I did my car and really like the way those came out. The roof should sound pretty solid too now. Your car is looking really good.
Thanks john.

Yes I do plan on doing the doors. I could have done the drivers door. But the passenger door has couple of dents that needs to pulled out. I didn't want the stud gun have any penetration problems. I still need to do the rear quarters back by the side marker lights. The quarters have a some small dents in them from the inside out from something sliding around the trunk that needs to be hammered dolly . I wanted to get the bulk of the car done before the body work starts this week.

And yes the roof is very quite and solid now. With out a doubt it make the car a better car.


that motor set up to be a widow maker for chevies lollerz


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