So I'm getting things back in some form of order in my crazy life now and plan to get these done once and for all! I've started looking into outsourcing the manufacturing portion of these to save some time and have the ability to have a fast turn around.
Here's my question to all of you: I know there has been a lot of interest in these since day one and there have been quite a few hurdles in getting them done. In order for it to be feasible to have them manufactured as opposed to me molding them one at a time in my garage I need to do some math to see if I would be able to at the very least recoup the cost of the initial tooling a factory would have to make to mold these, so...lets get a list going. I know there is a few of you who are still owed a pair that have been paid for and have been super patient waiting for! beyond that, I'd like to see how many more would purchase a pair? Also, my initial price on the sets that are accounted for and not delivered yet was $250.00. If I were to outsource them, that price would probably creep up slightly to about $275-$300/pair. (obviously orders paid for and not filled yet would get taken care of with no additional cost) I need to know if there is still interest in these at that cost? So let me know your thoughts on all of this and lets make this happen!!!