Met Two 7173Mustangers Today---A Really Good Day!

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Shorts checker
Jan 24, 2012
Reaction score
Tucson, AZ
My Car
No Mustangs at the moment.
Friday through Sunday is the annual car show here in Pensacola, FL. I've been coming since 2007. Pensacola is where my harness business got its start. Dave Trumbull (Pony Drives Across America) was next to me in 2008 and sold me about 8 harnesses for $50. Matt Rosa (Ponderosa Mustang) gave me another 10 harnesses a few months later. The rest is history.

Anyway, some young dude with about 8 kids in tow came by to say hello, and he said his name was Dawn. Funny, you don't look female, I name was Don. Do I know you? Yeah, he said, I invited you to the 7173Mustang forum. Ahhh! Don65Stang! Did you know his kids constituted about 10% of the public walking around? The weather forecast was dreadful, and only about 80 cars showed up, where normally 200 are present. Anyway, Don introduced me to his family and I couldn't keep up with the now 12 kids and somewhere his wife was in the mix. By tonite, there must be 15 or so kids.

Earlier, Matt Rosa came by and we shot the breeze for a few.

Anyway, like I said, I've been coming to this show since 2009 with a vendor's booth, hawking my harness work. It's good exposure, but I never end up selling anything, mostly because folks aren't prepared to plunk money down on for a harness as they would rather send me theirs to get fixed. Today was different. After an awful cloudburst that caused 60% of the field to drive off and all of the walking customers to disappear, I had two gentlemen come up in the driving rain inquiring about buying a 69 and a 70 harness. I quickly determined I had the exact match for their car, and one guy went home to retrieve his core and I sold me first harness at a show in 5 years! Tomorrow, I will sell my second harness at a show. Amazing that I had my first two sales during a rainstorm when there were almost no customers around.

Got several leads for 72's and a '73 for work in the near future as well. All told, it was a good day. Now if only I could figure out how Don manages to increase his family size on an hourly basis...I did ask if he needed another wife (mine), but he politely passed.:p

Cool story. Were there any 7173's in the show?
Yes there were. I knew of at least 4, mostly 72's and at least one 73, all of them gorgeous examples. One convertible and the rest flatbacks.

Has Don come out from the bedroom yet? Poor guy...

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Now if only I could figure out how Don manages to increase his family size on an hourly basis...I did ask if he needed another wife (mine), but he politely passed.:p
Don is a smart man...


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