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Feb 23, 2024
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My Car
72 Fastback

My Fiancé and I inherited her father’s 1972 fastback and finally got it out here with us and finally have a garage to get her up back and running. Her Father poured his entire heart and soul into this car, and most of it is customized. I have experience working on motorcycles and some light car maintenance, but never something like this. Car has been sitting in storage for 15 years so we’re starting off with draining fluids. Any good checklists or tips would be appreciated!


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Howdy and welcome from San Antonio! Looks like your FIL left you two a nice car and pretty serious, too, with that fuel cell!

You're off to a good start with changing the fluids. After 15 years, your tires are probably risky to be driving on so consider replacing them. I'd replace any rubber fuel hoses, check the radiator and heater hoses, and check for a leaky heater core. Check your flexible brake lines and replace them if they look old/worn, and flush the old brake fluid out with fresh fluid. Once done with those things take it out for a shakedown drive and see if any issues come up.

The members on the forums will provide you a valuable resource of knowledge and experience - some are very knowledgeable on performance modifications - to answer any questions you have while getting your Mach 1 back on the road. Don't hesitate to ask. Post up any info you have on the modifications when you a few minutes. See ya 'round the forums!
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Sweet car brother! Welcome from NC.
Howdee back atcha! Welcome fellow Texan, I’m from Leage City. Nice ride! Assuming that you have an auto tranny and you are changing tranny fluid, do yourself a favor and change out the pan to an aluminum one with a drain plug. You’ll be glad you did. Also, as you mentioned, there has been a fair amount of customization done. Try to locate all previous work done like materials receipts, build sheets etc. look for a journal that your FIL may have kept …..however unlikely. If I exists, it could provide valuable information when performing maintenance an eliminate guesswork later on. If you can locate a journal, continue adding to it including any sentimental history about this fine ride. If you cannot locate one, start one. It’ll hep jog yore memory later and provide valuable insights to future owners!
P.S. Get the Marti Report on yore new ride. It’s like a birth certificate!
Hello and welcome from SW Ontario Canada.
That is quite an inheritance and deserves to be done right and back on the road.
Sheriff mentioned fuel line rubber, make sure you get fuel injector grade as it is somewhat ethanol resistant.
After 15 years, there is a ton of stuff that may need attention, but don't get frustrated, one thing at a time.
More pics and updates welcome.
Dang! You guys know how to make us feel welcome! Luckily for us he did have a journal of everything with a bunch of receipts. The engine from what I was told is not original. Not sure what engine it’s running so here’s another couple pictures if anyone knows. Thanks again! Happy to be here


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Yep, he did a lot of work! Your engine is a 351C base, though he may have upped the displacement. A popular build would be a stroker kit to 408 cubic inch displacement.

Looks like some critter droppings towards the left rear of the engine - be sure to check your wiring for any signs of damage from rodents. Don't want to risk burning wires, or worse.

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