Man, wouldn't that be a nice tool for my arsenal. Umm, err, uhhh well? Since wifey's beetle is in the shop, she's got the new subie at work and that would leave the '72 in question. It's a backup alright, back-up on jack stands. I started following the shock tower shroud removal method and just finished breaking the upper ball joint loose. I need to replace the upper spring seat as well so that's why. Need to figure out a way to keep the spring from smaking me in the face so working on that now.
For what it's worth, we certainly can romanticize the idea of how much fun we had 50 years ago working on our classics as teens and early 20's. I'm starting to remember all the knuckle busters and looonnggg scratches from reaching where you shouldn't reach. The "still in recovering phase" from Rotator Cuff surgery isn't helping either. The lack of strength from being old was insulting but add that it, holy schnikees! Month 5 of an estimated 9-14 for return to my full strength that was already 60% of my much younger self. Yeah, I know, whaaa.
On a high note, hinge springs on my ram air wood were shot and I'd been more apprehensive of those than the suspension. Turns out, the swap to those NPD HD flat coil hinge springs was less than 5 minutes for both sides combined. Too phunny! A ratchet strap, 2x6 and a hotel pan insert (from my former career years), to provide for the correct angle up, made it the easiest thing ever involving a spring.
Anyone in ears shot of Providence Forge Virginia that has a free afternoon, pm me. The garage is definitely warm and this broken old guy could use a car buddy right about now. Then again, it's not like it's hitting the road any time soon, the brakes are part of this project and I'm being reminded of all the parts I forgot to order so just finished ordering those and the wait is on.