why I've been gone.


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Jul 15, 2010
Reaction score
My Car
72 mustang fastback,{mine} 74 Chevy Nova {girlfriends car}
2001 Sunfire that is falling apart haha.
OK. So a few months back I take the mustang out for a beer run with a buddy of mine. On the way back I decide to burn a little rubber. Start the brake stand and everything is going well smoke is filling up the interior. I unfortunately let go of the brake a little to quickly the car veered to the left and I hit the sidewalk.

Car goes over the side walk and onto some small concrete cylinders on a neighbors yard. Everyone was fine and no property damage { Apart from the mustang.} The tie rod end was all bent. Rim was cracked ,a small dent on the panel and the grill cracked {already needed a new grill so no biggy on that one} My oil pan was dented but not punctured. I'm am 1/2 a min away from home. The rim is already dead so I figure I might as well drive it to the drive way. 10 min later the dog starts barking. I tell my girlfriend the police are here haha. He asks what happened and I tell him. Then he tells me I left the scene of a crime hahaha. I tell him "What crime? No one got hurt there is no damage except for my car. He say's "Ya I guess you have a point" So I got a 32$ ticket for shrieking my tires.

Oh! and buy the way the officer followed the groove in the freshly repaved street left by my rim all the way to my house. Here are picks of the rim and oil pan.

So the mustang has been parked since. My plans are to pay of a few debts and then get back on the mustang. I will need 4 new rims {wanted to go to 15" anyhow" get the front end fixed up and go from there.




Reading the reaction from the police man and the size of your fee i have to laugh:shy:

If that was me in Norway they would most likely have confiscated my driverlicense for 3 months ,or more ,and given me a fee between $400 - $700, all depending of the situation.:mad:

Glad to have you back, and takes a real man to own up and share that story!
hahaha The other reason is I'm addicted to dungeons and dragons online hahaha you might want to rethink the "real man " bit lollollerz

Next time (hopefully there isn't one) :rolleyes: just say a dog ran out in front of you and you hit the brakes and slid. If the police are not there to see what happened they cannot issue a ticket except IF you tell them what really happened. Sounds like the car and wallet and your ego took a hit and the police went easy on you. A cop ran off the road right in front of my house into a ditch and had to be towed out. I wonder if he gave himself a ticket as I would have probably gotten one for losing control if did the same thing. :huh:

Next time (hopefully there isn't one) :rolleyes: just say a dog ran out in front of you and you hit the brakes and slid. If the police are not there to see what happened they cannot issue a ticket except IF you tell them what really happened. Sounds like the car and wallet and your ego took a hit and the police went easy on you. A cop ran off the road right in front of my house into a ditch and had to be towed out. I wonder if he gave himself a ticket as I would have probably gotten one for losing control if did the same thing. :huh:
The reason the cops showed up was because someone made a complaint so there was no denying the burn out

Bummer Man - I always thought those were some of the coolest rims ever, and looked awesome on your car.

Hope ya get it all worked out sooner than later.

Bummer Man - I always thought those were some of the coolest rims ever, and looked awesome on your car.

Hope ya get it all worked out sooner than later.
thanks I'm looking at similar rims they have less spokes you might of seen them on an old charger in a show called The Dukes of Hassard :D. you can still buy those new so that is one option for me.

thanks I'm looking at similar rims they have less spokes you might of seen them on an old charger in a show called The Dukes of Hassard :D. you can still buy those new so that is one option for me.

Thanks for sharing your story.. glad you are alright.. Mind sharing a link to the rims your looking at?
