Yesterday, I got my battery tray replaced [finally] by cutting the replacement panel and patching. Turned out pretty cool, actually.
Today, I mounted up the seats onto the CP/FB platform I got from CJ Pony Parts several months ago and test-fitted it. Yup - just a little too tall - but then again, my headliner is in pretty bad shape and drooping somewhat.
SO - it took the sharpie and cut-off wheel to it and lopped almost an inch off the backside upright and re-bent the 'new' tabs, the re-fitted it with the seat and... SCORE! Apparently, dropping the backside that much changed the angle enough for me to clear the droopy headliner and it should work fine.
After that, I did the same to the passenger side and dropped them onto the floor pans. Since this is MY car, I slid the platforms back a couple inches for just a little more legroom. Then scribed the outlines and cleaned the 'primer/paint' from the floor pans. Sprayed on some weld-thru primer and Rust Bulleted the undersides of the platforms. So first thing Monday morning, I should be able to zap 'em down and that's that. Then, onto the cowl damage.
My wife also ordered an Edelbrock Performer intake and the valley pan gasket kit for as Christmas present - which should be here next week sometime. Guess I finally got her trained to only get me stuff for the Rustang (so I don't wind up with a bunch of stuff I never use piling up in the garage).