Yesterday, when I went into the garage, I was pulling some wood blocks out from under a workbench when I noticed little tracks in the dust on the handle of my plasma cutter....I started looking around and found more tracks and then noticed a thermometer was knocked over on top of the mini-fridge. Immediately, I though...SQUIRREL! There were even tracks on the back seat of my motorcycle! Sometimes I open the side garage door early in the morning and blow (relatively) cool air into the garage. I thought...uh ohhh, I let that damned squirrel in. I put in a full day and didn't think much of it...figured it had explored and left.
This morning, I went out to grab a tool and noticed the thermometer was knocked down again. Oh crap! After looking around, I turned off all the lights and stood there very still....and within a couple of minutes, I heard a stirring....there was just enough light coming in through a vent and I could see a RAT!....and it was up on my rolling rack of car stuff. I set my squirrel trap and all the mouse traps I have and headed to the store to get rat traps.
When I got back home, I tore into a shelf that I thought might have a block of birdseed....I had bought it for my dad a few years ago and he never got to use it....luckily I had already gotten rid of it. When I moved an ice chest away from the wall, this rat goes tearing across the garage....I was armed with my trusty crossman bb pistol....but I wasn't fast enough to get off a shot. It disappeared under my mustang and I haven't seen it since. Both garage doors were open and I'm hoping it took off out one of them.
I have 2 rat traps set and a bucket trap (borrowed from a neighbor)...and 6 more rat traps coming tomorrow from amazon. Between the citrus trees and some of the neighbors having chickens, there seems to be a rat problem in my neighborhood.