Awesome RPM..Should of told him to sit his arse in the car,-86.5669012,178m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m6!1m3!3m2!1s0x88643f9dcbf67901:0xfe1ee04d861882a!2sHarbor+Island+Yacht+Club!3m1!1s0x88643f9dcbf67901:0xfe1ee04d861882a?hl=en
Harbor Island Yacht club!!!
My friend Mike....the wild one, accepted the invitation to enter said establishment and since the management was not available helped ourselves to the bar. That didnt go well after we decided "hey lets play Tarzan and go swim out to all the boats....."
If you feel like burning 25 minuets... My 2011 drive from Iowa to Wa in a budget truck.
Thanks. The one house with the cannons in the front yard is "The" General's quarters on base. All the houses on that parade field were 3 star or better. I'm not sure what the large building was...a helicopter was about to land in the field so I left the AO. I visited 3 bases that day so I don't remember which one it was.Awesome pics need a real camera!! ehhe jkI like the rail gun!! That is Ansio Annie i think right? If it was closer i would have to check that out!!
This may be it? Chuck why in the world is a rail gun in a Navy museum? Hmmmm?