Bojo's 73 Project

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Continued the body prep today. Decided to tackle the front bumper because it had nicks and scrapes from people backing into it over the years. This took me the most time today but it came out really good. All the nicks and gouges are now gone. Also managed to do the front valance and the front hood trim. Tomorrow I'll do the front fenders and the trunk lid. I also need to drill the holes for the rear wing so we'll see how that goes.

I decided to put the hood locks on so I am waiting for them from OMS and then I'll finish up with the hood.








Coming along nicely...

What did you use to repair the front bumper as I need to do mine??


The painter that I am taking the car to wanted me to use the "Icing" that I posted earlier because it does not shrink and is durable. For the small gouges and nicks it works really well. When I rub my hand over the bumper surface now it is now really smooth.


She coming along man...i mite have to pick some up for my fender and hood.

I was just about to go get my heads done i was telling you about..and the guy i originaly got my stang from told my dad he has some 1972 351 4v heads he had rebuilt with new valves....And going to sell them to me cheap...Woot..So i wont have to wait for my original heads to be rebuilt and save me some mega time...You will have to pop on out and check out my old girl one of these weekends.

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woooot wooot It will be some good feelings when you get it painted, Im jealous. I cant wait to see some after paint pics. Just a suggestion, If you have an area that you are unsure if you have removed all the imperfections you can put on a dusting of dark or alternate colored primer, then sand with a block. The imperfections will appear as dark spots if they are low and you will sand right through quickly high spots and they will be light. Its called a guide coat and there are some companies that sell it. I usually use an alternate colored primer. Its helpful for me cause I do not have that great of a touch, I've thought I had a panel smooth and asked my brother or my brother in law to check it and they will say "you've got a wave here, low spot here " etc etc. So I use a guide coat quite often when i'm doing bodywork. You will be ok if your dealing with gouges and scratches instead of lots of filler. Just a suggestion only if your concerned over a certain area. For all I know you may have "the magical touch" and can feel each imperfection, Some guys do, I dont.Your doing a good job, keep it up the home stretch is in sight. :)

She coming along man...i mite have to pick some up for my fender and hood.

I was just about to go get my heads done i was telling you about..and the guy i originaly got my stang from told my dad he has some 1972 351 4v heads he had rebuilt with new valves....And going to sell them to me cheap...Woot..So i wont have to wait for my original heads to be rebuilt and save me some mega time...You will have to pop on out and check out my old girl one of these weekends.
Mike, PM me with your address and phone # and I'll try to make it over next weekend if you are available.


woooot wooot It will be some good feelings when you get it painted, Im jealous. I cant wait to see some after paint pics. Just a suggestion, If you have an area that you are unsure if you have removed all the imperfections you can put on a dusting of dark or alternate colored primer, then sand with a block. The imperfections will appear as dark spots if they are low and you will sand right through quickly high spots and they will be light. Its called a guide coat and there are some companies that sell it. I usually use an alternate colored primer. Its helpful for me cause I do not have that great of a touch, I've thought I had a panel smooth and asked my brother or my brother in law to check it and they will say "you've got a wave here, low spot here " etc etc. So I use a guide coat quite often when i'm doing bodywork. You will be ok if your dealing with gouges and scratches instead of lots of filler. Just a suggestion only if your concerned over a certain area. For all I know you may have "the magical touch" and can feel each imperfection, Some guys do, I dont.Your doing a good job, keep it up the home stretch is in sight. :)
Go Time,

Thx for your inputs, much appreciated. I am getting all the dings and dimples out on my own. The painter is going to prime and block sand to ensure that there are no wrinkles and the panels are straight but I did look the car over under different light conditions and angles and it did look pretty straight to me.


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Started off the day doing the trunk lid and drilling the holes for the rear deck spoiler. Measured 15 drilled once and it fit perfectly. Next I moved onto the front fenders but just managed to finish one, the drivers side. Maybe I am spending too much time on each item but I am trying to get things the way that I want them.

Next week I'll do the passenger side and start prepping the small parts that will need painting.











Today I did the passenger front fender and sanded it down and got it ready for paint. Also drilled all the holes for the front chin spoiler so it will be easy to install when the front valence is mounted.

Got the hood locks from OMS earlier this week so decided to cut the holes while I was prepping the hood. It really wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. These are the steps that I did:

  1. The hole on the bottom of the hood is 3 3/8". I didn't have a cutter that size so I used a 3 1/4" one and centered it in the hole. Then centered punched the hood using the cutter as a template.
  2. I drilled the pilot hole next.
  3. Using a 3" hole saw I started to drill out the plug. (note: I didn't tape the hood to protect it because I am repainting the hood anyway so I wasn't worried about messing it up)
  4. You can see that I didn't damage the paint surface at all.
  5. The hood lock is slightly bigger than 3" so I used a fine file to open the hole a little bit so the lock would fit flush with the hood surface.

Lastly I didn't like the way my hood repair came out when I did it a couple of weeks ago so I worked on it a little more to get it right.

Tomorrow I'll finish the top of the hood and then remove the doors to get the door jams and hinges ready. Almost there.













I'm thinking that you need to take a road trip down here and help me install my hood locks. I'm too afraid! LOL! Looking great, John!



Travis, I was skeptical about doing the locks but I liked the look so much I decided to go for it. To tell the truth I have a backup hood that I was going to use if I messed things up ;)

So today I finished the hood prep and it's 100% ready for the painter now. Started on the passenger door removal so that I could get to the door jam and door sanded down. Found some rust on the bottom of the door so I am working to get rid of it. A little more work left and I'll be ready for the drivers side.








Removed the drivers door today. It was actually in good shape with not much surface rust on the bottom. I drilled 2 holes in each hinge (9/64") before removing the doors so that I can use them as a guide when I reinstall them. This should get me in the ballpark for the alignment and hopefully will only need minor tweaking to get the doors aligned with the body lines.

My painter is supposed to stop by on Monday or Tuesday to check over my body work and prep. Hopefully he'll be happy with it and I can load it onto a trailer and take it to the paint shop.

Tomorrow the door jam and media blast the hinges.





Finished the doors and the door jam today. Also got the door hinges prepped for painting. So this should complete all the major body part and now I need to move on to the trim pieces like the running light bezels, sport door mirrors etc. Finally beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel.






The painter did not show up so tomorrow I am going to start putting the panels back on. Going to give him a call and see what's up though and set up another time. The shop is in Oregon so they may have been tied up and couldn't make it up my way. I need to get it to him this month because I'll be out the month of Nov and it needs to be ready when I get back to stay on my timeline and make it to Las Vegas for the meet.



Started putting all the panels back on. Didn't worry too much about the alignment because they are going to be removed again for painting. Got the doors back on followed by the splash panels and the front fenders. Beginning to look like a car again. Hopefully I get the hood back on Saturday and it should be ready for paint.







Worked on getting all the body parts together and cleaning up some of the parts for the interior. Painted the dash and replaced the dash pad, just couldn't save the old dash pad. Also got around to replacing the brake proportioning valve to the disc/disc one. Didn't realize that had to be done (thanks Travis). Lastly I fixed the rear body fillers that go next to the rear bumper and put on the hood hinges.

Now if I can only get a slot for the painter I'll have a big load off my shoulder.








Worked on getting all the body parts together and cleaning up some of the parts for the interior. Painted the dash and replaced the dash pad, just couldn't save the old dash pad. Also got around to replacing the brake proportioning valve to the disc/disc one. Didn't realize that had to be done (thanks Travis). Lastly I fixed the rear body fillers that go next to the rear bumper and put on the hood hinges.

Now if I can only get a slot for the painter I'll have a big load off my shoulder.

Right on, John!! You're getting there! Wish I lived closer, I'd be glad to lend you a hand!
