Promised my wife some "no-Mustang weekends" this month, so no real progress on that front. She has been saying that she was starting to feel like a car widow again.
My intention was just to take my boring daily driver to gas and run through the car wash yesterday morning. Then I thought, I haven't really given the paint a good cleaning and wax since I bought it in October. A lot of people don't realize how dirty a new car's paint can be. They can often sit in in rail yards waiting to be shipped, for quite some time. Once we receive them at the dealership, we remove what little shipping protective wrap that was applied, which is only placed in specific areas of the cars where history has shown shipping damage most often shows up. After doing the PDI, we move it over to our remote storage lot, where they may sit for months sometimes without being washed, so they can have some pretty neglected paint. If there are five of the same color and equipment vehicles, we always try to sell the oldest in inventory, to keep inventory turned over. The vehicle that just arrived will most likely sit until all the other similar vehicles get sold. When the vehicle is sold, the porters wash and vacuum it, clean the windows and put dressing on the tires, but don't do anything necessarily to the paint, except sometimes a quick spray wax.
So, I ended up going down the ole clay-barring, polishing and waxing rabbit hole, LOL. I even color sanded and compounded the couple spots where the manufacturer's robot left some orange peel. Technically it was still a "no-Mustang weekend" so, I didn't really break any promises. Next weekend and the last weekend of the month we are traveling, so the weekend in between I am hoping to get to the Mustang. I plan to get the slick-sand blocked down on the roof and quarters and spray some primer on them, in the body shop's spray booth for the first time, YAY! Then, they will hopefully be ready for it's last block-sand and primer/ sealer and be ready for paint.
Unfortunately, the "family truckster" is still is just a "sensible" soccer mom SUV but at least it is shiny, haha. To it's credit. with the seats folded down it is great for hauling Mustang parts around.

I have had both doors and both front fenders in it at one time to transport them to the body shop, and still had room for more parts.
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